Wednesday, September 15, 2010

At the Library

So I am at the library right now doing some homework (a.k.a. reading The Craft of Research) when I realized that I could find some books to gain some background knowledge on my possible topic, Lithuanians working in the stockyards of Chicago in the early 1900s.  I found Lithuanian Emigration to the United States: 1868-1950, by Alfonsas Eidintas, where I saw a specific section of the book devoted to "Difficult Beginnings Overseas and Getting Established."  I also found a more specific book called Lithuanians in Multi-Ethnic Chicago Until World War II, by David Fainhauz, where I also found a specific sections on "Lithuanian Immigrants in Chicago," and "Lithuanians and the Development of Urban-Industrial Society."  Hopefully these two books will help me gain some background knowledge on my possible topic.

Since I had already done a research paper/interview on Lithuanians immigrating to the United States, and the first book mentioned, Lithuanian Emigration to the United States:1868-1950, wasn't that much of a surprise to me, I WAS surprised to find such a specific book relating to Lithuanians in Chicago before WWII.

After reading some of the materials from the books I will post what was included in these books for future reference.

1 comment:

  1. Vey nice pictures. It makes one realize how tough and absolutely gory some of the work was at the stockyards.
